
The Main functionality of this App is being able to Capture a moment, adding a Title and saving it to Firebase with the Geo Location. And we haven’t accomplished any of these yet. So Let’s Implement A Camera Screen that take a Picture. There is a React Native Camera module, which would do the job for us. To Get started install and link the module with following commands..

  • npm i react-native-camera@0.6 --save
  • react-native link react-native-camera

Remember We edited AndroidManifest.xml to add a Google API. In this Part also we are gonna edit the AndroidManifest.xml(/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml) again but this time we’ll be adding permissions instead of meta data, these permissions would let us Read and Write From our Local Storage. Since our Camera Component would be Saving file to local storage these permissions are necessary, add the following lines of code along with other permissions

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> 

Hey! I understand we need read and write for image storage, what is ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission?
You got me again smarty pants😋 , that is actually to get the location of the user in the next part. I added it here itself so that you don’t have to edit this file again.🙂 also add android:largeHeap="true" just after android:allowBackup="true"

Now With this we are ready to Implement our Camera Screen.

Camera Screen

Our Camera Screen will consists of a Preview view where we can see what we shoot, and a Icon button to take the Picture. So let’s get started…

  • Start By creating a file CameraScreen.js inside components directory
  • make the necessary React native import, additionally
    • import Camera from 'react-native-camera';
    • import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements';
  • add the default Component code with a View and a Camera Component inside it.
    export default class CameraScreen extends Component {
    render() {
      return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
              ref={(cam) => {
         = cam;
              <Icon raised name='camera' type='font-awesome' color='#f50' onPress={this.takePicture.bind(this)} />

    Let’s see what we are doing here, we have added a View whose style is set to style.container(will define it in next step). We have a Camera with aspect ratio set to FIll and orientation to Landscape. We’ve added an Icon which on press calls a method named takePicture(not defined yet). Where are we getting all this from, from the documentation

  • Defining the styles constant
      const styles = StyleSheet.create({
          container: {
              flex: 1,
              backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
          preview: {
              flex: 1,
              justifyContent: 'flex-end',
              alignItems: 'center'

    these are styles used by our Camera and View Component.

  • Now we’ll define takePicture that is called when the Icon is clicked
    takePicture() {
        .then((data) => {
          this.setState({moment_time :, image_path : data.path});
        .catch(err => console.error(err));

    this method invokes the camera.capture() function and if successful logs the image path and set the state to image_path and the time.

  • We’ve create the Camera Screen now let’s add it to the StackNavigator
    const TravelLogStackNav = StackNavigator({
      Main: {screen: MainScreen},
      Detail : {screen : DetailScreen},
      Camera : {screen : CameraScreen},
    navigationOptions : {
      header: null

Icon Button to Camera Screen

Do you remember the Icon button we added in our Main Screen in Part II, If you try to click on it you’ll notice it does nothing. let’s change that

  • add a onPress prop to the Icon so that it navigates to Camera Screen. onPress={() =>this.props.navigation.navigate('Camera')}
    Now when you click on it you’ll see that it takes us to the Camera Screen, Perfect!

Codenvy Emulator

As I said before developing react-native on Codenvy isn’t easy. The Codenvy Emulator we are using has limited functionality. It doesn’t have a SD card, so we can’t really save the pictures to SD card. Try it out when you try to click on it gives you an error saying “Could not add media”. So for now what we’ll do is comment out the code inside takePicture until later. So your takePicture method should look like.

takePicture() {
	console.log("button working");
//       .then((data) => {  
//         console.log(data.path);  
//         this.setState({moment_time :, image_path : data.path});  
//         this.props.navigation.navigate('Form', { moment_details : this.state});  
//       })  
//       .catch(err => console.error(err));  

And with that we have beautifully captured Part 7, Let’s shoot to Part 8